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Am I the only one?

Mameiha August 17, 2017 9:13 am

I felt REALLY uncomfortable with Hasegawa's ending. I get the filial son angle, but he had a STABLE job in publishing. He wasn't a freeter or a host and he just walked away from both a stable job and a stable lover. His family company was also in frickin CERAMICS or something... nothing remotely close to publishing. So, he abandons a good job, good friends and his lover to move 2 3/4 hours away by Shinkansen so he can what??? Work in the frickin mail room? As "heir" he will also end up with the pressure from his parents to marry. Fuck, that is just a bad ending waiting to happen. If he just declined from the start, he'd avoid all the incoming grief. He had that option! He had a great excuse already... that STABLE JOB! He does not live off of his parents and doesn't have to return to them to make a living. He was independent, he was happy and he was free from the scrutiny of "having status". What idiot goes and begs for more trouble on top of being in a relationship that is frowned upon? Especially when there is NO REASON to do so? Their relationship was less than a year old and it was sketchy, at best, as it was. They had separated and gotten back together THREE times in six months! Then, Hasegawa just says, "Hey, let's triple our problems so I can feel a little like a good son AND like a COMPLETE loser when I have to hide my relationship from my parents and pretend to be a filial son and "heir" by marrying some gold digging whore! Won't that be fun?!" Fuckin moron. He is still thinking and acting like a hetero and will end up hurting EVERYONE around him, himself and Ueno included. So, Ueno will now have to face watching another man he loves be ostensibly taken away and married by a woman because she can squeeze out a few pups and he can't. Overcoming problems together also includes NOT inviting those problems in through the front door to have tea.
