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JenJenLovesYaoi August 19, 2017 7:34 am

NO WAY IN HELL NO WAY grrr manga is suppose to make me happy,this stupid may think you werent doing wrong but YOU DID..dang it im so angry!!! stupid girl,she has such a bad attitude who would want her!!! DSKJhnfkefgiuesfbhweiug DAJberufgy so angry

    BlazingShana21 August 22, 2017 4:59 am

    I feel you. I love the 1st chapter but thw 4th one makes me so mad at the seme. It should be consider cheating ,why ? Because the seme tell that he was only gping out with that woman for 5 days. Who the hell would go out with someone if you have a lover. Seriously !! That makes me so pissed