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Damn Fuck you sue for the millionth time

Nicole the otaku August 19, 2017 11:30 pm

How sleazy can 1 person be go fuck yourself sue just take your toys and go fuck off back where you came from. I also think that Olivia is getting guilty and jealous so maybe she will tell crystal what's going on. But damn this was inevitable I'm so fucking mad but I still have hope.

    Anonymous August 19, 2017 11:36 pm

    rape is never inevitable

    Nicole the otaku August 19, 2017 11:39 pm

    True but in this case it was. I mean Mel would do anything for Lynn even if it meant going back to sue also can this even be considered rape when mel went to her I mean I really hate sue but it's not really a rape

    Anonymous August 19, 2017 11:55 pm
    True but in this case it was. I mean Mel would do anything for Lynn even if it meant going back to sue also can this even be considered rape when mel went to her I mean I really hate sue but it's not really a r... Nicole the otaku

    she went there to talk. sue forced her into having sex. it is rape: Rape is a type of sexual assault usually involving sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration carried out against a person without that person's consent. The act may be carried out by physical force, coercion, abuse of authority, or against a person who is incapable of giving valid consent, such as one who is unconscious, incapacitated, has an intellectual disability or is below the legal age of consent.

    Being under a threat of someone who's illegally blocking the heart transplant by faking tests results etc isn't a valid consent. It's coercion and abuse of authority.

    Sexual coercion in animals is the use of violence, threats, harassment, and other tactics to help them forcefully copulate. Such behavior has been compared to sexual assault, including rape, among humans.

    Anonymous August 20, 2017 12:08 am
    True but in this case it was. I mean Mel would do anything for Lynn even if it meant going back to sue also can this even be considered rape when mel went to her I mean I really hate sue but it's not really a r... Nicole the otaku

    Honey... Sue did everything to break Mel into the point where she won't be able to refuse being turned into a sex slave just to save Lynn's life. It's a literal life threatening situation used against Mel to force her into being fucked. She's not enjoying it, she's refusing to orgasm like every rape victim does. She even had a huge problem with just kissing Sue. Whenever you force someone into having sex it's called a rape and it's a crime. Just because Mel agreed to it doesn't mean she's doing it willingly. She sees she has no other choice since Sue proved she's able and capable of sending the heart so other patients and back her decision up (by faked documents btw, which Mel has no idea about).

    J0VANI 왕 August 20, 2017 7:24 am
    Honey... Sue did everything to break Mel into the point where she won't be able to refuse being turned into a sex slave just to save Lynn's life. It's a literal life threatening situation used against Mel to fo... @Anonymous

    Ikr I want Olivia to tell but she's being threatened by Sue.

    Nicole the otaku August 21, 2017 1:06 pm
    she went there to talk. sue forced her into having sex. it is rape: Rape is a type of sexual assault usually involving sexual intercourse or other forms of sexual penetration carried out against a person withou... @Anonymous

    Yea i understand all that but we aren't talking about what happened before hand in that moment Mel never said No Mel also said "you knew i was coming. why don't we just get this over with already". And then Sue even asks "Are you sure you know what your getting yourself into?" that sounds like evidence enough if it isn't Mel also says "I'll do whatever you want." case closed Sue even asked that so no it isn't rape that coercion thing is a whole other crime. One last thing it's technically not a threat because Sue never threatened Mel with it, Mel went there on her own free will. Damn can't believe I'm defending that bitch Sue.

    J0VANI 왕 August 21, 2017 2:20 pm
    Yea i understand all that but we aren't talking about what happened before hand in that moment Mel never said No Mel also said "you knew i was coming. why don't we just get this over with already". And then Sue... Nicole the otaku

    Well ur pretty smart xD

    Anonymous August 21, 2017 2:50 pm
    Yea i understand all that but we aren't talking about what happened before hand in that moment Mel never said No Mel also said "you knew i was coming. why don't we just get this over with already". And then Sue... Nicole the otaku

    It's a threat. It's either "you let me go you or I help Lynn" but it's said between the lines. It's rape, like it or not.

    Anonymous August 21, 2017 4:04 pm
    Yea i understand all that but we aren't talking about what happened before hand in that moment Mel never said No Mel also said "you knew i was coming. why don't we just get this over with already". And then Sue... Nicole the otaku

    Mel went there to talk. Sue used the oppoturnity and played with her. The outcome of it was - "I fuck you and Lynn gets a heart. I don't and she does not." Just because Mel agreed to it doesn't mean she wants it. She thinks she has no other choice - "If I don't do that, Lynn will die". You can clearly see Mel isn't comfortable with it, she's scared and refusing to climax. She didn't know Sue would do something like that because she doesn't know her anymore. The Sue she knew was soft, cute, delicate. Not a monster like this one.

    Nicole the otaku August 24, 2017 1:56 pm
    Well ur pretty smart xD J0VANI 왕

    Lmao thx :p

    Nicole the otaku August 24, 2017 2:00 pm
    Mel went there to talk. Sue used the oppoturnity and played with her. The outcome of it was - "I fuck you and Lynn gets a heart. I don't and she does not." Just because Mel agreed to it doesn't mean she wants i... @Anonymous

    Lmfao damn people really are this dumb i already said my view even provided proof sounds like you have a bad case of denial maybe you should read the chapter again it wasn't rape.

    Nicole the otaku August 24, 2017 2:01 pm
    Mel went there to talk. Sue used the oppoturnity and played with her. The outcome of it was - "I fuck you and Lynn gets a heart. I don't and she does not." Just because Mel agreed to it doesn't mean she wants i... @Anonymous

    Also mel knew that sue was a bitch from the beginning you really do need to read all the chapters again.

    Nicole the otaku August 24, 2017 2:04 pm
    It's a threat. It's either "you let me go you or I help Lynn" but it's said between the lines. It's rape, like it or not. @Anonymous

    Lmao god people are too funny and stupid at what point did sue say that she may have the motive to rape but mel went there for the soul purpose to have sex to get lynn a heart sue didn't force her too.

    Anonymous August 24, 2017 5:35 pm
    Lmao god people are too funny and stupid at what point did sue say that she may have the motive to rape but mel went there for the soul purpose to have sex to get lynn a heart sue didn't force her too. Nicole the otaku

    The one in denial is you. "The only thing I'm here to TALK ABOUT is that girl". Didn't know talking means sex. She's a victim fo a threat and manipulations. She didn't want to have sex so it's still forced sex, meaning she's letting herself be raped to save Lynn's life. If you can't get it then you must be a 13yo on hormons.

    Anonymous August 24, 2017 8:39 pm
    Lmao god people are too funny and stupid at what point did sue say that she may have the motive to rape but mel went there for the soul purpose to have sex to get lynn a heart sue didn't force her too. Nicole the otaku

    I'm a lawyer. Business stuff but we've studied crime law for 2 years, sexual crimes like molesting, pedophilia, rapes, abuse etc included. The thing with those kinds of crimes is that they're rarely clear and easy to understand. It's not always a straight threat or simple use of physical force. The victim very often has no idea she's being raped because she thinks she agreed to something she never wanted but she does that for the garter good - usually her own or her children (physical and mental rape). In this case, Mel is doing it to save the life. She's being tricked and forced by the game Sue is playing. Sue won't tell her literally "sleep with me or Lynn dies" because she's not stupid. So she used a divergent approach and said it between the lines. What Mel came there for was to talk, that's a fact. It was Sue who told her about selling her body and soul for the girl. It was Sue who wanted more. And Mel, feeling competely helpless, agreed even though you can clearly see she's suffering from it. It'd be difficult to prove without a witness because the case is complicated. But there is a witness here, Olivia. But... This is an author who has no idea that losing a job because a doctor operated on her loved one is impossible to ever happen so who knows how she's going to explain this case.

    Anonymous August 24, 2017 9:29 pm

    There's also a thing with an "unwanted sex" and a "rape". Why you won't hear term an "unwanted sex" in a rape case? Because unwanted sex happens between 2 people emotionally and sexually involved where one is "not in the mood" but still does it because the other one insists/needs it very much, knowing he/she can always say no and there would be no consequences. In Mel's case we have a whole lot of reasons why she's even there:
    1) Sue knows Mel will do everything for Lynn, even become her donor
    2) Sue knows Mel will come to her only if:
    -she's broken (that's why she made Lynn break up with her)
    -Lynn is in a bad shape and deseprately needs a new heart which ends up being hard to get
    3) as a director of the hospital, Sue should be doing everything in her power (the legal way) to get the heart and save the patient but she's doing everything to prevent the girl from getting that heart because- look point 2
    4) what Sue is doing is a revenge on Mel for leaving her and giving her a scar which ruined her career as a surgeon.
    All the above, we've got Mel ending up in a situation where she has no other choice but to go to Sue and beg for the heart (she's broken and desperate). What Sue does instead of listening and agreeing to help? She's going further with her plan (I'll get that heart if you sleep with me). She knows Mel so she knows one thing Mel does't do with random people is let herself be touched down there so forces herself on her, making her revenge come true. Mel sees no other way. She didn't come there to do this, she clearly doesn't like this idea, she's uncomfortable and scared. She doesn't want to cum. But she's letting herself suffer to save the life of the person she loves most even if that person doesn't love her (which she has no idea about anymore) because if she says no, Sue won't get that heart (a consequences of refusing to do it).

    Anonymous August 25, 2017 7:07 am
    There's also a thing with an "unwanted sex" and a "rape". Why you won't hear term an "unwanted sex" in a rape case? Because unwanted sex happens between 2 people emotionally and sexually involved where one is "... @Anonymous

    "because if she says no, Sue won't get that heart (a consequences of refusing to do it)" and this is the meritum of the case. But how much would you bet it's not the end and Sue won't get that heart anyway? She want's Mel to suffer even for the cost of life, she said that already.

    Nicole the otaku August 27, 2017 10:56 pm
    The one in denial is you. "The only thing I'm here to TALK ABOUT is that girl". Didn't know talking means sex. She's a victim fo a threat and manipulations. She didn't want to have sex so it's still forced sex,... @Anonymous

    Lmao chill it's only a manga but at 13 years old i could spell hormones correctly so the only child here is you. Also when you say letting herself get raped proves my point of it not being rape.