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elefando August 20, 2017 7:46 am

Would have legit cried if I was Rio and heard him say " I don't need Rio.."

Bruh bye

    Kaorin September 10, 2017 8:44 am

    It's ok, Rio doesn't need him either. All he needs is Shingo lol

    Floof Floof September 10, 2017 5:14 pm

    I am close to 100% sure he mean' t he didn't need for Rio to be there if they were to get married. Sort of like a wedding just between the two of them. Just more romantic, obviously not meaning he doesn't need his son. He said the same thing about Keiicho. The sentence goes together.

    XxharutoxX December 27, 2017 4:41 pm

    But I also felt bad for him since Rio didn't want to stay with his father at all and went back with keichi many times and didn't miss his father at all. So you can't really blame him for not wanting Rio in his romantic private wedding he didn't want his brother too so yea I can't really blame him when his son doesn't even want to stay with him.

    Blubeagle April 4, 2019 2:14 pm
    But I also felt bad for him since Rio didn't want to stay with his father at all and went back with keichi many times and didn't miss his father at all. So you can't really blame him for not wanting Rio in his ... XxharutoxX
