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Almost an ideal threesome.

likalaruku August 21, 2017 4:02 am

If you're gonna root for two of them together & condemn one as an unwanted 3ed wheel, why the heck are you even reading threesome magna? Go find a normal love triangle.

It's been while since I've read a threesome that isn't just two rivals sharing a love interest. I just wish Kouji would put out the same kind of effort into a mutually loving threesome as Kouji did, since he knows Shin refuses to give up either if them. Still haven't found one that beats the relationship dynamic of Choco Stawberry Vanilla, where in the end, no one in the trio is willing to let go of either.

    Rex May 15, 2019 5:29 pm

    There is one but it's omegaverse Here's the title if you wanna read "Ai to Makoto"

    The Mighty Fujoshi February 18, 2020 9:01 pm

    LMAO true

    Ren June 4, 2020 5:54 am

    Do you have a link to this "Choco Stawberry Vanilla" I'd like to do some research...