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I read the sequel before this and Satoru-san came off as a cold, uncaring, manipulative ma...

Mina April 30, 2013 12:25 am

I read the sequel before this and Satoru-san came off as a cold, uncaring, manipulative man. I like how we can see the true depth of his character, his motivations, feelings, and history in this manga. I can empathize with him.

    Akihito September 11, 2013 9:56 pm

    Thank you, it feels really hearing you say that.

    Guest ;) March 8, 2014 9:00 am

    Yes. I liked how the author gave the 'bad guy' (Satoru) a background as well (then of course let him find happiness afterwards). I just wish he wasn't such a jerk when he was w/ Yuuichi ;.;

    to eruri or to ereri that is the question! March 13, 2014 10:27 am

    I know ! He was such a jerkface to sensei! And he had the gull to call him out at page 99?