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This chapter pierced my heart... I know this is happening but I can't stop being sad... I...

DaydzNayd24 August 22, 2017 3:39 am

This chapter pierced my heart... I know this is happening but I can't stop being sad...
In this situation, I cannot be angry towards Honda.... And I also pity Kaido so much, if I am there , I would grab Honda back and make them talk....

I have read comments below me and I know this is heartbreaking.... and I do agree with others....
I could not blame any of them cause I do think Honda is becoming more cautious of Kaido being so lonely and depressed all by himself... and then when that photo was leaked of them being together with Kaido... He might put into his head... "It is because I am near him that he got bullied by his co-trainees and he got injured because of me"... I do guess that we are kinda the same with Honda... You don't like the fact that someone got hurt because of you being there.....

As for Kaido, he knows if he tells Honda; Honda would blame himself again.... and he doesn't like that... He wants Honda to think of his career as well and continue living with him despite all the invasion of privacy that is happening...

I do agree with a comment that says the Japanese community is kinda ironic and hypocrite when it comes to human privacy and rights... I will not elaborate cause he/she said it all...

And the last note in chapter 10 got me...
Hahaha... curse honda in filipino... hahaha... ano curse word ba iyan???
