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Holy Frejolis

Carmelazation August 23, 2017 3:03 pm

This ending is so unsatisfying. It's like being promised honest to god coke... and getting sugar free diet coke. All these promising characters... just... dead?

Everyone just dies? Just like that? Okay then? To be honest, the lines between the magical and realistic perception is so blurred that they could literally be separated into their own stories.

But based off what I've read, I'm going to assume that everyone dies after Battler and Sayo escapes the blast, and Battler barely survives drowning with Sayo and therefore becomes Hachijo Tohya.

Personally, this wasn't very enjoyable to read. Well... I think that it could've been better, but I will admit that the Shannon, Kanon, Beatrice and Sayo twist was quite good.
