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Nicole the otaku August 24, 2017 1:54 pm

I was worried pd moon would hate her I'm glad she doesn't i also sense the body guard doesn't like that asshole of a husband i'm glad tho someone needs to stand up to that prick.

    trinityanne August 28, 2017 11:20 am

    from what i can tell the body guard does not just not like the guy she hates him and somehow i feel like the princess so to speak had a relationship with her at some point in time in the past that has not been brought into the manga

    Nicole the otaku September 1, 2017 4:10 pm
    from what i can tell the body guard does not just not like the guy she hates him and somehow i feel like the princess so to speak had a relationship with her at some point in time in the past that has not been ... trinityanne

    That would explain alot but I think it has something to do with the "princesses" mother I just get a bunch it's like that also we don't know what happened to her yet and it seems like a big part of the story so maybe the bodyguard used to work for the mother or something and doesn't want her daughter to die like she did idk can't wait to find out tho.But she definitely doesn't like the wanker of a husband.

    trinityanne September 1, 2017 9:28 pm
    That would explain alot but I think it has something to do with the "princesses" mother I just get a bunch it's like that also we don't know what happened to her yet and it seems like a big part of the story so... Nicole the otaku

    i could see that . i also would not be to shocked if the wanker of a husband gets offed later on in the manga to be honest

    Nicole the otaku September 1, 2017 11:24 pm
    i could see that . i also would not be to shocked if the wanker of a husband gets offed later on in the manga to be honest trinityanne

    Honestly I'm not against him getting killed off like just piss off and let them be happy it's a useless marriage anyway I don't even think they've kissed and they don't live together I'm all for him getting killed