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neko August 24, 2017 9:23 pm

Not sure if this is considered a topic or comment so I'll post it in both sections.This story and it's art are so good.The drawings capture the expressions of those difficult moments when social anxiety takes over and gives it a face that anyone would empathize with.I find it really hard to speak in social settings and this story perfectly put together the anxiety that reclusive or people with social anxiety feel in those situations and turned it into something nice.It translated the real human emotions into story really well not only with the anxiety itself but the kind of life it brings.The inability to approach people.Being unable to stay connected with the people you care about, and wanting to be depenable so that you'd never lose someone.I cried a little reading realizing that I am alot like the main character.Anyways the ending was sort of open and somewhat sad.Are those people still in her life? Has she changed any? I really wish there was another adoptation or extension of this story.
