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Letrivage August 25, 2017 11:46 am

Wait so., he lost his memories while being a ghost? Cause he didn't knew he was the rich boyfriend in the latest.... I never thought about it since I thought he was just too hallucinated to be able to recognize her...Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

    Yuhiko_cchi August 25, 2017 12:16 pm

    It was his imagination

    Letrivage August 25, 2017 12:57 pm

    Nah dude he actually was surprised when he saw the price of the place he was trying to take even though the ex said the rich bf (him) has been renting a 500 dollar a day luxury hotel to her and the zombie goes "Holy shit that FAM is ur sugar daddy"

    takame-ver2.0 August 25, 2017 4:59 pm

    IKR, it's a shame. I hope he'd have some memory flash like that of his grandma that is about his girlfriend and I hope they would recognize each other someday.

    Letrivage August 25, 2017 10:40 pm
    IKR, it's a shame. I hope he'd have some memory flash like that of his grandma that is about his girlfriend and I hope they would recognize each other someday. takame-ver2.0

    Prob think the girl would just beat the shit out of him if she knew lol

    takame-ver2.0 August 26, 2017 8:52 am
    Prob think the girl would just beat the shit out of him if she knew lol Letrivage

    he's her cash cow... or has been and i'm sure he'd have a measure to make himself survive like when he saved the little zombie girl's mom. he'll survive.

    Letrivage August 26, 2017 9:16 am
    he's her cash cow... or has been and i'm sure he'd have a measure to make himself survive like when he saved the little zombie girl's mom. he'll survive. takame-ver2.0

    I don't really like the girl since shes just a golddigger. I mean she could've prevented him form getting infected if she cut off his leg. And when she doesn't need him anymore she just bashes him with her weapon... ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    takame-ver2.0 August 26, 2017 9:46 am
    I don't really like the girl since shes just a golddigger. I mean she could've prevented him form getting infected if she cut off his leg. And when she doesn't need him anymore she just bashes him with her weap... Letrivage

    yea but the guy is not any better. didn't he ditched her because he's too afraid of zombies? with the way he talks he only plans of saving his precious rich kid self and let the girl fend on his own. well, i don't hate nor like both of them and imperfect characters in any literature interests me more and they are funny anyway. that's what matters. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    Letrivage August 26, 2017 12:09 pm
    yea but the guy is not any better. didn't he ditched her because he's too afraid of zombies? with the way he talks he only plans of saving his precious rich kid self and let the girl fend on his own. well, i d... takame-ver2.0

    Nah dude the guy was chill, he didn't ditch her he got caught up by her violence on the zombies he didn't realize someone already bit him and then he alarmed the girl that he was infected. He was being a gewd guy but he was too overdramatic with him turning into a zombie "Babe leave me here! I love you but I have to go to another consciousness Be safe" sumthing like dat

    takame-ver2.0 August 26, 2017 2:07 pm
    Nah dude the guy was chill, he didn't ditch her he got caught up by her violence on the zombies he didn't realize someone already bit him and then he alarmed the girl that he was infected. He was being a gewd g... Letrivage

    ehh, i don't know how you manage to interpret it like that but it's obvious that the rich kid guy is being all delicate. if he is really good, instead of hiding behind his girlfriend, he should be infront of her. or dragging her away from the danger. BUT look at his reaction. he's grossed over the icky zombies and the reason why his gf hit him and screamed at him for being useless is that he did not even step forward to help her but hide behind her in fear instead.
    tbh, his amnesiac version seems better even if he had an ulterior motive (eat her) when he saved her. my point is, they match well. you don't have to defend the guy. he's not a saint nor a hero. let's just see him as he is. the materialistic, weak boyfriend. again, this is all for the LOLS.

    Letrivage August 26, 2017 10:54 pm
    ehh, i don't know how you manage to interpret it like that but it's obvious that the rich kid guy is being all delicate. if he is really good, instead of hiding behind his girlfriend, he should be infront of he... takame-ver2.0

    As I said he's chill but not in a way that I like his cowardliness, it was the family's fault for making him a suck up silver spoon guy because tbh, when he had the amnesia he became a totally different person that has the courage to even save someone, if only he grew up in a household with really good parenting that teaches him self defense. ( ̄∇ ̄")