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love it! sooo....

ZipporahRaven August 25, 2017 7:02 pm

Is it safe to assume that Chii, still lives with Tanihara, and goes to visit her mother and new step-dad? or is she transitioning on living with her mother full-time?

I'm a little upset about this, only because I realize that the mom was too busy to actually care for her daughter and loved her a lot, but he has been raising her as his child...I don't know if I feel like she can come and take Chii now. LOL

    Pebbles September 14, 2017 9:43 pm

    She still lives with Tanihara and visits her mum from time to time

    ZipporahRaven September 15, 2017 3:18 am
    She still lives with Tanihara and visits her mum from time to time Pebbles

    Thank you.

    LadyBelle February 7, 2018 3:36 am

    I get the impression she is transitioning. That is why he is sad at the end, and knows he'll be a little lonely. Sensei realizes it to and is making sure to comfort him more and be there for when Chi really moves out.