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Hey I'm looking for a manga I read a while ago. This was only one chapter (which could hav...

Mr mr August 26, 2017 9:32 pm

Hey I'm looking for a manga I read a while ago. This was only one chapter (which could have been an attach to some longer story). It involve this one drag queen who I think owned the bar or something and them comes this guy who good looking that regularly hits on him. I think then the drag queen's friend was like I can close the bar for you so you could have fun or something like that. Anyways cut to the sex scene between the drag queen and the guy who regularily hits on him. The drag queen still has his wig or something which the other takes off say how the drag was cute without dressing up or without make up and the drag queen looks really cute in that scene. I thought it was either by OGERETSU Tanaka or MICHINOKU Atami because it like that style but I could not find it :(

    takame August 26, 2017 10:02 pm

    well the mangaka of sick has kind of a similar style. also, what you are talking about reminds me of not an original manga but an arashi doujin. (i can't forget bec. i made a long ass review defending sho)

    Mr mr August 27, 2017 2:35 am
    well the mangaka of sick has kind of a similar style. also, what you are talking about reminds me of not an original manga but an arashi doujin. (i can't forget bec. i made a long ass review defending sho)http:... takame

    Yes this is it! Thank you so much! I remember reading this and was craving to read it again(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ