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The story has a good story line, but I hope Haru and Hana do not end up together. Haru des...

Anonymous August 28, 2017 12:13 am

The story has a good story line, but I hope Haru and Hana do not end up together. Haru deserves someone who isn't so self centered and selfish like Hana. SPOILERS ALERT!!!

My reasons why I dislike Hana are:

*During the first chapter Hana is acting cold towards Haru and her dad says it's due to a phase of puberty. I call bull on that don't blame puberty for her ignoring Haru.

*When Hana learns Haru is going to go to her school she dislikes it because she doesn't want to be the center of attention, which I can understand, but she doesn't think about Haru's feelings about it. Haru has literally spent everyday for years waiting at home for her by cleaning and watching videos of her being happy.

*Next when it's Haru's first time going to school Hana wants to leave before him. Hana knows how people are going to negatively react or treat Haru like an object or pet and Haru doesn't go outside a lot. That's neglect on Hana's part.

*Hana tells Haru to stop growling at people. Which he should, but he hasn't been around a lot of people and scared. A little compassion would be nice Hana.

*Then Hana makes Haru promise not to hurt anyone no matter what. Come on we just saw Haru's dream memories of his mother being tackled and possibly abused by humans and what will happen if humans attack Haru? Is he just supposed to let that happen.

*When Hana is going to see Haru during his first day of school and when she bumps into the senpai and decides to help him over going to see how Haru is doing. Not: Friends before relationships. Hana: Relationships before friends.

*During Chapter 5 Hana doesn't notice Haru is not in the room with her. I get that your studying, but seriously you haven't talked to him since he was unusually cleaning earlier and you're not alarmed by that unusual behavior.

*It took Hana hours to realize that Haru called her master. If someone suddenly called you master out of the blue wouldn't you notice it immediately.

*When Haru wanted Hana to play the violin she smashes it and breaks it. I get Hana has a complex about her mother's death, but to do that to her friend who only wanted to help her find what she wants to do in the future is harsh. Also shows that for all her talk of friends she thinks she owns Haru when she says if Haru mentions the word violin again she wouldn't let it slide.

*During Chapter 9 Hana expects Haru to lie to her dad about having an appointment after breaking a promise with Haru.

*Hana makes a promise to Haru about spending the weekend with him and then decides to break that promise to spend the weekend with the senpai. Total d*ick move.

*When Haru is upset about Hana breaking her promise she brushes it off by kissing his cheek and teasing him and having him help pick out her outfits for the date.

*Hana doesn't notice Haru's dislikes for the senpai's werewolf. Hana assumes Haru is having a good time with that werewolf because the senpai mentions it even though Hary tried to tell her earlier about him.

*Worst thing Hana does to Haru is to practice kissing for her date with the senpai she kisses Haru and steals his first kiss.

I do admit Hana has her moments:

*When Hana didn't want to take the controller that can zap Haru's collar.

*When Hana defended Haru by insulting those girls.

*When Hana worried about Haru's first day during class.

I just dislike Hana and her dad. The dad is part of the civil right's movement but asks Hana to carry the controller that can zap Haru's collar. The school for teaching the werewolf's to be loyal and obedient towards their master and not to be independent or have their own wants and needs. The whole cover up of the virus and werewolf things is messed up.

I hope Haru leaves Hana and her dad and falls in love with someone else who can better or even wants to understand him for who he is and stops being controlled by that messed up society or even starts a werewolf war that destroys that society. Not much hope of this though since the tag is Shoujo, but I hope that Hana changes so she stops using Haru to fill the void and guilt of her mother's death or Haru notices someone anyone else besides Hana for a while to broaden his horizons.

    Roonshizzy August 28, 2017 5:48 pm

    I agree
    I dont want them to fall in Love
    I mean she wasn't even supporting the idea that he would win
    But was suppoting Hook
    Like seriously
    How dense is she not to notice the effect her kiss had on him
    Ugh so annonying

    articwolf August 30, 2017 2:13 am
    I agreeI dont want them to fall in LoveI mean she wasn't even supporting the idea that he would winBut was suppoting HookLike seriouslyHow dense is she not to notice the effect her kiss had on himUgh so annonyi... Roonshizzy

    She wasn't just supporting Hook, she literally (indirectly) said to Haru that he can't beat Hook.

    skyflyer05 August 30, 2017 2:11 pm

    Totally agree, i hate her selfishness. all she care about is herself!!

    momokuni September 2, 2017 7:24 am

    I mean, it's pretty obvious that Hana and Haru will fall in love- I don't rly like Hana much myself, but I think something very big in this author's works is always character development. In her other webtoon, Orange Marmalade, the female protagonist starts off as very unlikeable as well imo, & then as the story progresses starts to take on a softer persona. So hopefully Hana will go thru some major character development too 0;

    Anonymous September 14, 2017 9:16 am

    Oh man. I was right to skip this. I remembered hating Orange Marmalade because of the male lead and the red haired girl. Now here it looks like the female lead is annoying.

    Taylor September 21, 2017 4:33 am

    I agree thats its rude, but thats basically how ANY girl would react if they were with their crush and best friend. She basically just acts before thinking, she lives a carefree life without putting much thought into it, I think they were just trying to be more realistic while creating her character, cause thats how basically ANY teenage girl is like, some may act differently, but at least 70% of teenagers would do the same thing as her. If hana were to think things through, like you, im sure she would end up coming to the same conclusion as you. but be honest if there was your crush, your best friend (who likes you but you DONT know) and he knows you like the other guy, you would probably expect him to just understand without paying attention, cause your too caught up in a fantasy. If she werent so excited about it, she most likely would have put more thought into harus feelings. Also shes not observant, and oviously haru would have to take the initiative and say something for her to understand.

    Ilikemangasoimhere November 8, 2017 10:20 am

    So true, every chapter I'd get pissed with her AT LEAST once but definitely a lot more than that