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Hi so um what do I do when I miss someone alot but I know I'll never get to see them again...

☆Ej☆ August 28, 2017 7:59 am

Hi so um what do I do when I miss someone alot but I know I'll never get to see them again?

    MyHaremOfMangaHusbands August 28, 2017 9:06 am

    Cry, you'll feel better..

    Anonymous August 28, 2017 9:20 am

    and then do some self care stuff that makes you feel happy, content, relax, better
    some good stuff, you know?
    like taking a soothing bath, eating ice cream, going for a walk - in a nice place with pleasant scenery or something, petting some cute animals, getting a hug from somebody - about 20 seconds or longer to be more effective, eating good food or tasty snacks, laughing, listening to music, reading a book or fanfiction or manga or webtoon or doujin or comic or manhwa or etc. , eat cheese

    make sure to stay hydrated and just treat yourself :)

    best wishes and to a brighter tomorrow

    elliemangago August 28, 2017 9:30 am

    Meet new people!

    Hi! Im ellie :)

    Anonymous August 28, 2017 9:53 am

    Move on. You know you are not going to see them again, like ever so don't waste your energy. Don't feel guilty if you forget about them, it's normal to forget. If you could still get in touch with them and you miss them like crazy, then use the technology. Whatsapp, skype, whatever your preferences.

    Losing someone's presence who are dear to you sucks but you have a life to attend.

    KyoZaNa✿ August 28, 2017 9:56 am

    Distract your mind with your body by exercising; swimming or jogging works for me when I feel down..