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Do you know a movie/drama/manga/anime similar to korean drama Save me ?

H-Hime August 30, 2017 6:10 pm

Do you know a movie/drama/manga/anime similar to korean drama Save me ?

    Sabo August 30, 2017 11:04 pm

    'Seraph of the End' or 'Owari no Seraph'

    All my K-drama friends say that this is an Anime that really reminds them of K-drama. It has little bit of blood since there are Vampires. There Hints of romance and bromance and very shoujo. The drama a Very compelling and supernatural events hits the characters Hard.

    It's produced by Studio Wit, the same people who made 'Attack on Titan' and 'Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress' and 'Seraph of the End' takes the supernatural concept to the extreme, with Dope Music. It's like Studio Wit was like "Hmm... We should make our usual over the top drama series, But instead make it aim toward girls with bromance"

    H-Hime August 31, 2017 10:04 am


    Sabo September 1, 2017 12:45 am
    thanky H-Hime

    It's my pleasure to help anyone in need. Not so sure about investing time for animes? Just watch the Opening theme song to see if you like it.