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just my opinion. sorry it's long

bebe.dandan August 31, 2017 5:48 am

i honestly know where people are coming from saying they want Sangwoo in jail & bum with the cop or Sangwoo in jail and bum free & happy. saying that Sangwoo is horrible and hurts Bum (they kind of hurt each other) but guysssss Sangwoo cares about Bum. if he didn't , Bum would've ended up like the rest of his victims. not only did Bum resemble his mom but he also showed Sangwoo that he actually LOVES HIM (to a very weird extent) & wasn't just bullshitting so he wouldn't kill him. Sangwoo didn't freak out because his "plans" were fucked when Bum tried to kill himself he was truly scared he was going to lose him & be alone AGAIN. he never knew how lonely he was until he met Bum. let's be real , Sangwoo & bum are both fucked up in the head & maybe im wrong to some people but i think they could slowly but surely help each other get better. & in the police station.. i feel like Sangwoo was actually mad at them for hurting Bum & making him bleed but he did push it over the top..

    Anonymous August 31, 2017 12:19 pm

    Personally, I just don't know why people are pretending to be morally correct by saying Sangwoo should be jailed while 'sweet, innocent Bum should know happiness!~'
    No. If they were really trying to be realistic about this, BOTH of them are crazy and should be in an asylum. Everything started because Bum, y'know, stalked a person who's helped him once long ago, became obsessed with him, and broke into his house. Oh, he also killed someone. Those who excuse him because of his past should also excuse Sangwoo because of his past.
    That said, I do agree with you when you say Sangwoo has some feelings for Bum. It's probably not what we normal folks would call 'love', but it's been shown pretty clearly throughout the manhwa that Sangwoo sees and treats him differently.