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My thoughts on This manga

Melody Quills September 1, 2017 3:06 pm

I feel like... Maybe haruki doesn't want to go back to the little brother, but because of how he is in nature he will want to try and comfort him. I am so close to dropping this because of how dark it is. I think Haruki needs some serious help to recover from what he's been through, and I also think that a lot of his "kindness" is a result from low self worth. he goes back to this horrible abusive person because he feels he is not worthy to fight back and help himself. To make it so much worse, the constant abuse from his little brother only adds fuel to the fire. He gets raped by his little brother who claims that its Haruki's fault and that he is in love with him, Haruki goes off and feels horrible, his view of himself lowers and the cycle repeats. Also, when someone is raped, there is still a possibility that they will climax from it. Its actually horrible when that happens because the victim can end up with detrimental side affects to their emotional/mental health. So Haruki's downward spiral after each time his brother rapes him would make sense. He would be confused because his body as reacting in a way his brain didn't match. This was a series that really stuck to me because of the sheer horror I felt each time i deigned to read it. I get really sad and panicky because a lot of times in yaoi non consensual/reluctant sex is a common occurence. But in this particular manga, he mangaka made it real. Something that a victim of repeating sexual abuse could possibly go through. i think its great that sensei is doing that, but at the same time it's incredibly difficult to read.
