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Espanol translation just out!! (I'm waiting for english trans) :((

    tokidoki September 4, 2017 1:41 am
    I don't know, having read the translation I feel the whole thing didn't seem as harsh to me as people make it seem to be. He just cares a lot about both their safety and ask him to keep low profile for him. Of ... Lightasus

    Agreed. It seems like Asami felt that worrying over Akihitos safety would distract him in a critical moment, and that he needs all of his attention on the bad guys. Having an innocent (in that Aki is not part of the underworld) out of harms way reassures Asami and his men.

    tokidoki September 4, 2017 1:42 am
    Thanks a lot!!!!If I were Aki I would have spat on Asami's face. Oo LadyLight

    That is pretty harsh, Akihito knows that he is not a fighter (with guns) and would be in the line of fire.

    Lightasus September 4, 2017 1:49 am
    Being upset when your partner reinforces your self-esteem issues is different than depending on your partner to make you feel secure. A partner should be a partner who meets you halfway. I do think this arc is ... eworth

    I do believe it's the same. You shouldn't be depending on your partner to feel secure, and I also mean that in a way that if their actions somehow trigger your buried self-esteem issues you shouldn't let that reinforce them but use that opportunity to challenge them and realize that yes, you do have an issue that needs to be addressed.

    And yes, of course they should meet halfway. Asami doesn't think Akihito needs to be fighting alongside him. Akihito is the one making a deal about it. Asami isn't straight out telling him ''you have no worth because you can't come with me'', nor does he believe that or have ever demanded him to do so. He never ever had the intention to make him feel that way.

    Making him come and act like he won't be a burden as he is right now isn't reasonable. And Asami can't help but go and take care of the mess. He's worried about both and especially Akihito's safety, and for good reasons!

    So if someone is in a position to meet halfway here it's Akihito. He either a)Grow to stop making his whole worth about that and let Asami do his work without having to be worried about him or b)Grow to become someone that can fight alongside him so he doesn't have to be just as worried.

    Also maybe, just maybe Asami did intend to try help him achieve the latter by sending him to the monk guy?

    And hasn't he already tried to meet halfway when he reluctantly let Akihito sniffing in the Sudou thing and crossed fingers that he wouldn't get hurt? He's never been totally closed to the idea of him helping his work. He's been trying himself to meet halfway, but as long as he feels it's reasonable.

    So I really don't think he or anyone else ''should be upset at him reinforcing his self-esteem issues'' or anything like that. Asami legit did the best he could, now it's Akihito that needs to do his part to address how he feels about it, in a way that won't lead him or Asami to get killed.

    Anonymous September 4, 2017 2:11 am
    That is pretty harsh, Akihito knows that he is not a fighter (with guns) and would be in the line of fire. tokidoki

    I think you are right but that's what makes even more reckless because he knows he isn't a fighter and a killer either yet he wants to get involved .And he maybe smart but he doesn't understand how the underworld works ,which is way asami had to save him many times .But on the other hand asami never gave akihito the chance to be his equal and he is protecting him because he cares but at the same time he treats akihito as a possession not a lover .

    I think because he lacks the ruthless factor as proven about how shocked he was after Hong kong he should stay away and if he wants to help asami help him from a far because as he is now he is a burden to asami .

    Lightasus September 4, 2017 2:33 am
    I think you are right but that's what makes even more reckless because he knows he isn't a fighter and a killer either yet he wants to get involved .And he maybe smart but he doesn't understand how the underwo... @Anonymous

    With the whole Sudou thing I think he did give him a chance to work as his equal, no? I'm pretty sure he did!

    It's just that yeah, at the end of the day this all ended up with Asami having to save him.

    J Unleashed September 4, 2017 2:42 am
    Asami: Oh, Fei, this place is so tight!!Feilong: I'm the best in body-to-body combat, Asami........just kidding @Anon

    This may be nonsensical, but...

    Or maybe not...

    Anonymous September 4, 2017 2:57 am
    With the whole Sudou thing I think he did give him a chance to work as his equal, no? I'm pretty sure he did!It's just that yeah, at the end of the day this all ended up with Asami having to save him. Lightasus

    You are right but what did he do to prove himself ?Give another guy a blow job I think that shows how desperate he is for asami's approval which is even though I like aki kind of pathetic because he starting to lose sight of who he is .In the end he is trying to chew more than he can swallow .He isn't capable of dealing with this guys if he wants what's best for asami he should stay away ,because if he really wanna help he would have to embrace the abyss and that he can't do ,so he is kind of half assed ? Wants to help asami but does it the wrong way and i would really hate it if he goes dark side just for asami's sake I don't akihito 's character to be destroyed just for the sake of his relationship with asami ,i was already pretty disappointed when he sucked that guy so let's not have aki degrade himself further .

    Anonymous September 4, 2017 3:03 am

    Self esteem is not given by others. He is not confident because reality makes him unable to be confident.

    Anon September 4, 2017 3:19 am
    I think you are right but that's what makes even more reckless because he knows he isn't a fighter and a killer either yet he wants to get involved .And he maybe smart but he doesn't understand how the underwo... @Anonymous

    Anonymous September 4, 2017 3:22 am
    With the whole Sudou thing I think he did give him a chance to work as his equal, no? I'm pretty sure he did!It's just that yeah, at the end of the day this all ended up with Asami having to save him. Lightasus

    yawn, yawn, yawn, just wake up and going to sleep again.

    Nonni September 4, 2017 4:54 am
    Thanks a lot!!!!If I were Aki I would have spat on Asami's face. Oo LadyLight

    That is just not in character - and kinda mean

    Lightasus September 4, 2017 6:02 am
    You are right but what did he do to prove himself ?Give another guy a blow job I think that shows how desperate he is for asami's approval which is even though I like aki kind of pathetic because he starting to... @Anonymous

    You know, that just got me trying to pinpoint when his whole view of Asami shifted, and I think I found it. Kind of.

    Before he used to be ashamed of his whole relationship with Asami, and his reflex was to get the fuck away from him. But like, in Pray in Abyss he started meeting people that were around Asami, and they pretty much made him feel like Asami was somehow above him, that he was someone he should aspire to not let down. He felt like Sudou and co. were all ''accomplished people'' and he started to compare himself to them etc.

    And then Sudou, when he gave him the choice ''be Asami's pet or pursue his dream'', he went with his dream saying ''I answered that question a long time ago, it's just that I haven't had the courage to do it''.

    ...Wow did that go away fast. Asami just found him, fucked him good, and that was it. ''All my efforts were a waste, no matter what I do he's going to deny it blah blah''. He just gave up everything he stood for and now ever since he's been hellbent in trying the help the crime lord in his criminal activities.

    And Asami was like ''Anyone who touches you, no matter who it is, I will erase them. Think carefully before you act''. And at that point everyone here on the board was like ''shit's going to go down when he founds out''. That their relationship was gong to take a dark turn.

    Nothing of that has yet to happen. Instead they suddenly became a sweet as fuck couple.

    The story has stopped making any sense to me from that point on, really. I guess he did say ''This ceased to be normal, my rationality has been razed to Asami's touch''. Man it sure did. And while I'm at it I'm not sure where Asami's personality has gone to either and why it did change so much. Like I don't know, I guess it's in the shower, he started to feel guilty about the way he treated Akihito, maybe...?

    Feels like Yamane felt the need to sweeten their relationship as possible as she could and cheapening their characters was the way to do it. I don't know if it's just me but it doesn't feel believable.

    Sigh, and I had stopped thinking about that stuff and just turned my brain off to forget all of this :P

    Anonymous September 4, 2017 6:31 am
    You know, that just got me trying to pinpoint when his whole view of Asami shifted, and I think I found it. Kind of.Before he used to be ashamed of his whole relationship with Asami, and his reflex was to get t... Lightasus

    I agree with all what you have said because as much as I like Akihito I can't help but think he is such a let down .Especially for the whole I pick my dream yet two minutes later he is back to being asami's bitch .It's like Akihito got into the asami's black hole and doesn't want to get out but want to go further in;I think he does see that and doesn't even have any shred of morality/remorse to stop before it's too late .

    At first Asami got into akihito for his strong will/ guts but I don't see that anymore .The worst is that despite all of that he isn't fit to be in asami's world . I think what would've been more appealing if despite his growing feelings for asami he would never ever try to help him in activities ;I bet he wouldn't even bothered by the torture thing that's happening right now since he would say that's what he need to do .

    I really hated how he started to compare himself to others or how jealous he got when he saw glasses guy call him by his name or when the other guy grabbed asami and was crying .He didn't start pathetic but I think after Hong kong he became that .

    You are right we shouldn't think about it too much ^^

    Hanne September 4, 2017 9:27 am

    I can't open it - do you need facebook to do so? Thanx for posting anyway. Guess I just need to wait.

    reponce September 4, 2017 9:59 am
    Asami and Akihito together, Action with Asami and Fei fighting together, and a side of Kirishima and Suoh-- Itadakimasu ʕっ˘ڡ˘ςʔ J Unleashed

    don't forget the redshirt.

    Hanne September 4, 2017 10:08 am
    don't forget the redshirt. reponce

    But, not all red shirts die - pretty sure Scotty wore red and he lived through the whole series

    Hanne September 4, 2017 10:10 am
    But, not all red shirts die - pretty sure Scotty wore red and he lived through the whole series Hanne

    Oh, my emoji didn't work Was redsirts and lunch

    LadyLight September 4, 2017 11:49 am
    This may be nonsensical, but... Or maybe not... J Unleashed

    The new Dynamic duo, great idea! XD XD XD ^_~

    Kanade September 4, 2017 1:51 pm
    You know, that just got me trying to pinpoint when his whole view of Asami shifted, and I think I found it. Kind of.Before he used to be ashamed of his whole relationship with Asami, and his reflex was to get t... Lightasus

    Actually, Asami's character would make a lot of sense if you read the novel about his high school years when he met that detective. All in all, I've read everything you've written so far and enjoyed your way of thinking)) Thank you. I love it when people try to draw parallel lines with real life. Honestly speaking, I think that the development when they became sweeter is not the unnatural part. The very first sex they had is unnatural and doesn't really fit into the story because ever since their... second sex? it was obvious Asami cared about Akihito, and I suppose those feelings only got stronger with time. And I strongly recoomend you to read the novel, I thought it was really good as it was centered around Asami.

    LadyLight September 4, 2017 2:13 pm
    I can't open it - do you need facebook to do so? Thanx for posting anyway. Guess I just need to wait. Hanne

    Yesterday it could be opened without signing in, today it seems you need to sign in your faceb account to see. Oo