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NeonRain September 3, 2017 10:59 am

The only thing I disliked about this manga was Hikari's age. I feel like he should have been two, because his thought process and even his speech was too advanced for a one year old.
I have little cousin who turned two back in April, and he reminded me so much of Hikari. He even has a baby sister like Hinata. She just turned one a month ago and their interactions are so cute.
I really like this couple, and I liked the omega aspect. I'm not a fan of children, and though it was very cute, the baby babble got a bit annoying. It's probably because I'm not used to children being the focus of the manga (though I can respect it). I hope something will be written about the friends.

    NeonRain November 1, 2017 4:29 am
    This reply will be showed after approved! Fudyo Xi

    At the start he was one, and barely turned two a while later into the manga.
    Buuuuut, still. His speech was too advanced.

    Aiyah November 28, 2017 10:21 am

    I don't want to appear rude but this is fiction and maybe his alpha traits allow for a quicker development in speech and thoughts? Not sure just guessing

    NeonRain December 31, 2017 5:37 pm
    I don't want to appear rude but this is fiction and maybe his alpha traits allow for a quicker development in speech and thoughts? Not sure just guessing Aiyah

    It's coo'. Not hating on others who think different.
    Personally it just took away from the manga for me.