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Cynder------ella September 3, 2017 3:31 pm

Saying your both user names, middle names and family names during sex is kinda off for me like... Zzzzzzz I'm gonna sleep. Wake me up after you finished reading my name coz it's long. Kinda bothered me while reading (or maybe coz it's Chinese) and i also mis-read the iron clock or cock. Lol!
The art is good tho.

    FishyOtaku September 4, 2017 12:30 pm

    Xiao Xie Zhi or 小鞋子, is more of a nickname. The same for Gu Liang or 姑娘。

    Cynder------ella September 4, 2017 12:36 pm

    Yeah! But it's so long that i just realized if during sex.. my hobby would keep saying my name which is 26 leters long.. I'd feel like slapping him 3 times. Lol! Like seriously...but i got a hard laugh at that thought tho.

    FishyOtaku September 4, 2017 1:48 pm

    Haha, yes I suppose. Though when speaking it, for the fluent in Chinese at least, is quite easy to say but yes, saying the full name in bed would be very... odd

    Mystique Horizon June 29, 2019 5:10 am
    Haha, yes I suppose. Though when speaking it, for the fluent in Chinese at least, is quite easy to say but yes, saying the full name in bed would be very... odd FishyOtaku

    Yes,, indeed it would...