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vol. 17 ch. 75

Fetish Love September 11, 2017 1:21 am

why should Miwako "erase her intersex" past? It's a part of her, it happened and it helped her. It was and still is important.
Why should she forget about it, why should she hide and pretend to not know any of them if they come across one another?
Even if it's to "start over" or "for a new beginning", she doesn't have to erase everything that led up to the next part of her life.
I don't understand why that blonde lady would say that.

    Ya Chan October 19, 2017 11:50 am

    I wonder about that too. I think the author sometimes has weird ideas about intersex (or maybe she portrays Society that way). But I remember that there was something weird like that once in the short storys and later when she found out more she apologised. I think she try's her best to make to story good and realistic but she seems quite conservative to me so maybe that's why