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BEST FANDOM OF THE YEAR. I am glad that so many people go and defend this story. I really...

Anonymous September 12, 2017 4:20 pm


I am glad that so many people go and defend this story. I really don't get the hate and whine about "rape" and "overused trope" (and it wasn't even a rape).

Let me spell it one by one so you understand, haters:

1. All he did was not waiting for consent from the uke (which is never needed in real life sex anyway).
That, in itself, defines that what happened was NOT a rape. Check in any law book, haters.

2. Normal people know that if we were followed by a classmate who barged into our house then pushed us against the floor and shoved his cock in us, then it's a sign of love.
This is socially accepted textbook romantic move. Go out and get laid more, haters.

3. After the "rape" (which is not what happened, but for argument's sake we'll use that word), we see that the seme was sorry (when he shouldn't have because it was NOT a rape).
This alone is more than enough to absolve him of whatever "crime" you haters might think he'd committed.

To make it clear, this is similar to:

If a burglar shows regret of what they have done, we all know that it's common practice to set the burglar free instead of turning them to the police. Best if they are allowed to take something from the house they stole from as a sign of our appreciation, too. Go have common sense, haters.

4. What "overused trope"? This manga is strikingly unique and have much more quality than any other yaoi manga these days.

As I've written in my previous post, I have never seen semes "force" ukes in ANY other yaoi before. Maybe a similar plot has been used once or a few thousand other times before, that doesn't make this "overused". Still a total breakthrough, I say. I cannot understand why people still insist that this story is a smoking shitty pile of rape trope apologist cow dung. Go and read more, haters.

5. The uke liked it (like all dignified ukes should) when the seme graced them with his cock. And, as I've written before, the seme was even nice enough to feel sorry, even when he was not in the wrong. Be more dignified, haters.

Understand now, haters?


my my, i'm having too much fun with this.

    Anonymous September 12, 2017 4:50 pm

    what is dis, april mop

    mememe September 12, 2017 5:34 pm

    i wonder how many people really understand the point of this comment.

    Amon September 12, 2017 11:11 pm

    I still like this manga, but I laughed at your post XDD

    The uke liked it (like all dignified ukes should) when the seme graced them with his cock.

    I died XDD

    KattCleo September 13, 2017 2:25 am

    lmao at first I am ashamed to say that I wasn't sure you were joking.

    You forgot to mention that "rape in yaoi is not rape but actually forced consensual sex" (my favorite quote from an actual living person of all time that proves how much in denial people can be)

    That being said, I don't think this is a case of romanticising rape, since this all happens in the context of play and fetish. (Well you can argue tho that the uke didn't really give consent to the play... but I'm still thinking about this OK T__T I'll sit on these thoughts and come back wiser).

    But I think people are too taken aback by morals sometimes. It's fiction. (what forced consensual sex are you talking about if fictional rape turns you on then good for you -__-'')
    And I am not saying that "get a grip it's just a story" because I can understand why people feel uncomfortable with these stories, but these stories keep on getting written and drawn precisely because it turns people on. We need to accept that things that are "morally wrong" because they hurt other people in real life, are ok if fiction precisely because there, they can't.

    Tbh this manga turned me on in a way yaoi hasn't in a while. I was just sitting there in awe about how amazed I was. Especially da stalker sex in the front door omg.

    But yeah might add it to the rape romanticization list idk yet with this one, I feel like fetishes and erotic play really come into it and maybe I've been taking that stupid list too seriously... ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    PS: Sorry for the rant, your comment really gave me a lot of laughs and shit to think about hahah (●'◡'●)ノ

    teehee September 13, 2017 8:24 am

    Actually, what tickled me to write the original post was cos I was highly amused at the lack of embrace-my-rape-fetish-ness from some posters.

    Let me make it clear:

    It's fine to like this kind of trope. As the reply before this said ^, it IS just a fantasy. Everyone is entitled to their own own turn-ons in stories. Better than doing it in real life, imo.
    You like it, I hate it, you hate it, I like it, all's good.

    BUT OWN IT. EMBRACE IT. Don't pretend it's something else.

    If it's rape, don't say it isn't. If it's overused, don't trick your mind to say it's not overused. That's why I don't have problem with those who already embrace their fetish (you do you).

    Random example:

    "Well, the brothers don't grow up together so it's not incest."
    It's incest.
    You like it.
    You like incest trope.
    I like incest trope too.
    Embrace the incestness. (Not in real life though)
    Spread the confetti.

    "Well, the seme loves him and the uke ends up liking it so it's not rape."
    It's rape.
    No consent=rape, law book approved. Even if bf gf.
    You like it.
    You like rape trope.
    I like it too in hardcore pwp stuff, but not in softcore stuff.
    Embrace the rapeyness. (Not in real life though)
    Light the fireworks.

    "It's different from other stories so it's not overused."
    It's the same as 90% of other yaoi stories: seme rapes uke -->uke becomes addicted to cumming -->uke clings to seme -->seme suddenly loves uke -->they become lovers.
    You like it.
    You like this kind of overused trope.
    I don't.
    Embrace the overusedness.

    "Why are you still reading it if you hate it?"
    I already stopped reading after I finished skimming the raw and get a boi-bye moment.
    Just here for the comments hhehehehe~.


    TLDR: Denial tickle me fancy. OWN YOUR FETISH.