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>へ< Seriously! He's an Ass!

CrystalAris September 13, 2017 12:51 am

( ̄_ ̄╬) Hit Him Already!!! ლ( ̄皿 ̄╬)ლ

    Lemv September 13, 2017 2:20 pm

    it can´t be helped, right? he thinks he´s just a substitute and she didn´t say that she loves him, so why are ou just blaming him? they are both at fault.

    CrystalAris September 13, 2017 3:28 pm
    it can´t be helped, right? he thinks he´s just a substitute and she didn´t say that she loves him, so why are ou just blaming him? they are both at fault. Lemv

    yes I agree they are both Immensely at fault, but he really keeps doing things to piss me off, sure she doesn't correct him, but its not like he'll believe her even if she did explain.

    he sleeps with her then blames her, not nice or sweet. she lets him cause she loves him or because that's the only way she'll ever be with him. the may have started 50-50 but the way he keeps using her (or thinking he's dreaming) and having sex I'm more on her side right now, though she didn't help when she says she slept with him was because she wanted a job doesn't earn her any positive points at all. the only reason she's 'winning' is cause she's not starting the sex.

    I can only hope it gets better.

    Lemv September 13, 2017 4:42 pm
    yes I agree they are both Immensely at fault, but he really keeps doing things to piss me off, sure she doesn't correct him, but its not like he'll believe her even if she did explain.he sleeps with her then bl... CrystalAris

    True. I don´t know who starts the sex but the first time aparentlly he was drunk, then sick so I can only think that they sleep together because of it. he thinks that she just wants a role in films and she thinks that he is already in love with another girl. In my case, I am on his side because they only sleep together when he´s weak and shows his true felings and she just takes advantage and does nothing to change the situation. All of this is just a big misunderstundig and she can solve that. Yeah, I agree. Hope it gets better.

    nobile September 14, 2017 8:10 pm
    it can´t be helped, right? he thinks he´s just a substitute and she didn´t say that she loves him, so why are ou just blaming him? they are both at fault. Lemv

    "It can't be helped"? Really? It can't be helped that he's physically and verbally ABUSING her?
    Sure, they're both to blame for the misunderstandings and for not being clear with each other in their interactions. But NONE of that is reason enough for him to be abusive of her. Tell me the worst she has ever done to him, and please compare it with the worst he does to her. Yes, manipulation is wrong, very wrong, but her manipulation is nowhere near the same level as the physical and verbal abuse she's having to take from him, not in the amount of times it has happened nor in the severity of the interaction.
    It can be helped, he can act like a decent human being and not rely on such barbarian means to show his displeasure at her/the situation.

    I'm not defending her at all. But I think saying "it can't be helped" is way more wrong than anything she has ever done.

    Lemv September 14, 2017 9:30 pm
    "It can't be helped"? Really? It can't be helped that he's physically and verbally ABUSING her?Sure, they're both to blame for the misunderstandings and for not being clear with each other in their interaction... nobile

    Sorry but did he beat her? And yes it can't be helped. Personally I think he should just leave her and his family and leave ( so far, don't know in the future). And you are saying that he verbally abuses her? And what about her? She didn't do anything else than hurt him emotionally and psychologically and this is worse. Like c'mon. .. everything he does isn't even for him. .. he's using that guy's name. In the end what does he gain? NOTHING. From his point of view nobody's on his side.

    nobile September 14, 2017 9:37 pm
    Sorry but did he beat her? And yes it can't be helped. Personally I think he should just leave her and his family and leave ( so far, don't know in the future). And you are saying that he verbally abuses her... Lemv

    Am I remembering wrong? I really thought there were a couple of times where he hurt her physically... And about 90% of anything he ever tells her is verbal abuse...
    Like I said, I don't think manipulation is right, she is not someone I'm defending either. My reaction was more about the "it can't be helped" excuse.
    Yes, I agree the guy did agree to a shitty situation, and it has only gotten worse because of both of their misunderstandings and lack of trying to clear things out. Both of them are equally victims and guilty of it.

    but just because nobody's pitying him (not that in that world anyone's pitying her either) does that give him reason to behave that way. "It can't be helped" that he is being a bigger jerk isn't the case... almost every person I know would not behave that way in that situation, it CAN be helped.

    Lemv September 14, 2017 9:51 pm
    Am I remembering wrong? I really thought there were a couple of times where he hurt her physically... And about 90% of anything he ever tells her is verbal abuse...Like I said, I don't think manipulation is ri... nobile

    Don't know either, if happened don't remember. Yes but my " it can't be helped" is more because of what I already said. In my opinion hurting a person psychologically is worse, not that I agree with what he's doing because they are both wrong. It's more because I understand why he behaves that way, every time she's saying she wants a role he becomes mentally hurt. Also, I think he's hurting more than her.

    CrystalAris September 15, 2017 12:05 am

    O.O Wow this escalated quickly O.O'
    ... I wonder if we should direct this anger towards the sister and mother, since they were the ones who really started this.

    and I wonder about the brother... did he like heroine, but know she loved his brother and it was tearing him apart? hence his accident or what ever?

    and my guess is the bro will be the one to spill the beans after punching hero, that or a letter/ diary holding her secret.

    Ahiru September 15, 2017 6:10 am
    Don't know either, if happened don't remember. Yes but my " it can't be helped" is more because of what I already said. In my opinion hurting a person psychologically is worse, not that I agree with what he'... Lemv

    First of all, he's pushed her into walls, onto floors, and treats her less than a human just because of a big misunderstanding. Had that misunderstanding not have happened, then he would be doting and giving her roles left and right if she had asked, regardless. Second of all, they weren't even dating in their past. Remember how the misunderstanding started: She made a love letter and wanted to confess, she read it aloud to his brother, even stating that it was for Lu, then the bratty sister went along and recorded it. The main character didn't even know about this entire thing up until after Lu figured out and said to her drunkenly, at a party, "You're the last kind of girl I would ever date". He was the ONLY ONE between the two who was misunderstanding, but because she didn't know about the new engagement to Xu (Lu's brother) beforehand, she thought that Lu like another girl, so she went along with the marriage to Xu.

    Now that I've explained that, the abuse, in actuality, can be helped if the sister would confess already. She knows that her sister is being treated poorly (I mean even in this recent chapter she was physically abused again and is being harassed by him on pg. 10, albeit he's drunk. But still, that doesn't make his behavior okay in the slightest).

    Lemv September 15, 2017 10:08 am
    First of all, he's pushed her into walls, onto floors, and treats her less than a human just because of a big misunderstanding. Had that misunderstanding not have happened, then he would be doting and giving he... Ahiru

    I think I will re-read to see the " physically abused" you are talking about. But I am sure I won't change my opinion: they are both wrong, however, I am on his side. Another thing, it's not only the sister who can change the situation, she can also. She never heard from him that he likes another girl but what he heard even though a misunderstanding is that she likes the brother. I just don't like her, she's weak and a coward, if you like him chase after him not marry another, especially his brother.

    Lemv September 15, 2017 10:11 am
    O.O Wow this escalated quickly O.O'... I wonder if we should direct this anger towards the sister and mother, since they were the ones who really started this.and I wonder about the brother... did he like heroi... CrystalAris

    Yeah, I will just re-read and see what happens. I just want him to be happy with or without her :/

    Ahiru September 15, 2017 1:54 pm
    I think I will re-read to see the " physically abused" you are talking about. But I am sure I won't change my opinion: they are both wrong, however, I am on his side. Another thing, it's not only the sister ... Lemv

    The reason that she can't tell him herself is because she thinks that he hated her since the party. She didn't know if Lu liked her 100%. At the party, before she found out about her new engagement to Xu, Lu said "I'd date any girl but you". The main character is no where near at fault here. She was placed in this situation by other people. Also, she didn't chase after Lu's brother, again.

    The main character practiced with Xu on the love letter she made for Lu (she even stated that it was for Lu). The sister recorded it, sent it to her parents, and before the main protag knew, she was arranged with Xu. Now, Lu found out before she did, and at the night of a party, since he was drunk and depressed, said to her "I'd date any girl but you". So, she thought that Lu didn't like her. So, a couple days later she went to marry Xu because she didn't think that Lu reciprocated her feelings.

    Even if the main character said that she always loved him this whole time, Lu probably wouldn't believe her anyways, so.

    nobile September 15, 2017 1:58 pm
    The reason that she can't tell him herself is because she thinks that he hated her since the party. She didn't know if Lu liked her 100%. At the party, before she found out about her new engagement to Xu, Lu sa... Ahiru

    I want to give you a thumbs up ;_;
    I'm terrible explaining things, so I'm glad there was someone better around :D

    Lemv September 15, 2017 5:01 pm
    The reason that she can't tell him herself is because she thinks that he hated her since the party. She didn't know if Lu liked her 100%. At the party, before she found out about her new engagement to Xu, Lu sa... Ahiru

    It may have been arranged but she accepted.

    Lemv September 15, 2017 5:17 pm
    It may have been arranged but she accepted. Lemv

    So what if he doesn't believe ? At least she told the truth, stood out for her and went after her man. But marrying another man because she thought she wasn't loved to me it's just an excuse to her behavior now.

    Ahiru September 16, 2017 5:03 pm
    So what if he doesn't believe ? At least she told the truth, stood out for her and went after her man. But marrying another man because she thought she wasn't loved to me it's just an excuse to her behavior no... Lemv

    Sorry to assume, but it seems like you are basing your opinion off of what you know, not from the character's perspective (which isn't always bad). However, you may know what happened, but remember that she is the main protagonist. She is going through the misunderstanding without realizing it, unlike we as viewers who figured it out in the first few chapters. She went with the arranged marriage, again, because Lu told her that he'd never date a girl like her. Say it with me now:

    Before she even learned of the arranged marriage, Lu, the man she loved, learned first. Lu is the man she is with in the current story. When Lu found out, he said "I'd date any girl but you."

    Also, that is the point of an arranged marriage. When you're in one, you can't get out of it. It's not someone's choice to leave an arranged marriage or not, so even if she rejected the arranged marriage, her parents would still say "Lol, sorry but this is happening whether you like it or not". So, even if she didn't like Xu in that way, she does not have a choice at all. So your quote "she married another man because she thought she wasn't loved" falls apart in a sense. Because she didn't directly go to Xu after what Lu had said, the arranged marriage put them together anyways.

    And if she told Lu that she loved him all this time, the truth wouldn't really matter up to this point if he didn't believe her. Again I'm going to assume that you're basing this off of what you, as the reader, knows. We as the readers know that Anhao (the protagonist) loved him for thirteen years. Does Lu know? Obviously not. Are we Lu, the main man in the story? No.

    So, if she said in the first chapter that she had loved Lu this entire time, do you think he'd take that well? Most likely not. But we readers think that he would because of what Anhao had thought. So yeah, her not being loved is kind of an excuse because she's the one going through this, not us. We as readers know of the misunderstanding, she doesn't and neither do the rest of the characters (except for the sister).

    Ahiru September 16, 2017 5:03 pm
    So what if he doesn't believe ? At least she told the truth, stood out for her and went after her man. But marrying another man because she thought she wasn't loved to me it's just an excuse to her behavior no... Lemv


    Lemv September 16, 2017 8:26 pm
    Sorry to assume, but it seems like you are basing your opinion off of what you know, not from the character's perspective (which isn't always bad). However, you may know what happened, but remember that she is ... Ahiru

    I think that my opinion comes from seeing both of them and the issue about the arranged marriage in my opinion depends about what kind of family they are or money problems, but yes, there are cases where you don't have a choice. All they have to do is talk and fast so they don't ruin more their relationship. But I am really curious as to how this will be solved, they having a REAL CONVERSATION or maybe is the sister or brother? I don't know if she will make me change my opinion but I hope it gets better.

    Ahiru September 16, 2017 10:00 pm
    I think that my opinion comes from seeing both of them and the issue about the arranged marriage in my opinion depends about what kind of family they are or money problems, but yes, there are cases where you d... Lemv

    I hope it gets better as well, honestly.