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Damn this is f*cking Hot! In a kinky way...

OtakuHime September 13, 2017 1:43 am

I normally don't like fetish stuff but for some reason, with this couple, it feels "right" or appropriate. Mitzu is outgoing and obsessed with pleasure and sex along with other possessive fetishes like biting but Yui is aloof, seemingly unemotional and slightly detached from emotions until his world gets rocked by mitzu. It's like two sides of the same coin that go together. Now they share feelings and vulnerabilities that help them to work things out. I really like these characters and the art is gorgeous. My only sad part is I wish it wasn't censored though if it must be then at least this way is better than Casper cocks ( ̄へ ̄)overall the sex is damn hott and I can overlook the pacing. I just hope it continues for a while.
