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Naïve Drifter September 13, 2017 2:47 pm

I'm trying to find this manga. I can't remember a lot and I'm worried that I'm mixing memories of different manga together so I'll stick with the one I know best. So it won't be the best info.
It was a yaoi, the couple adopted a girl later on. The girl was approach by a fellow class mate who wanted to become reporter and he was asking questions that the girl called him out on being biase and degrading gays. She said she was eternal graceful to her "dads" and when he mans up then she'll answer his questions. Later on I believe they(girl and boy) get married and he ask the story of dads (on how they met and everything) you found out in the end that one of the couples (dads) passed away, the one who had a little bit more of a tragic life lived longer and he was the one telling the story(he was happy though). It show his granddaughter talking to him then she was called in, he finally passed away with him seeing his lover welcoming him.
Forgive me I would put more information in but I don't wanna mix something on an accident
