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I need to weigh in on the pants debate! If they are in their own home or somewhere privat...

rainbowpuddles September 13, 2017 8:33 pm

I need to weigh in on the pants debate!

If they are in their own home or somewhere private then they should both take all their clothes off. Otherwise when just the uke is naked and the seme has their pants on it makes me feel like the seme doesn't care enough.

I have seen scenes where they start with pants on then for the second round they take them off and I'm ok with that.

Also if they're in public I'm ok with pants on but then uke should keep most of his clothes on too.

I feel like I just wrote an essay lol

    Zeffyra September 14, 2017 12:42 am

    ...the pants actually bothered me too... its lyke...unfair if the uke's naked and the seme's on