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I felt so sad for masaki after all these years he can finally tell himself and the world t...

seiren September 14, 2017 12:26 am

I felt so sad for masaki after all these years he can finally tell himself and the world that that man belonged to him even tho what he held was just a box of bones no longer the same otohiko he could touch I felt sad for otohiko too he could never let go of the feelings he holds for daigo he said that masaki would take him no matter how grey and wrinkley he got even so his feelings for daigo never faded away .. that's just too heartbreaking ..*tears*

    Cloe900311 April 5, 2019 2:17 am

    Thank you. I was going to make a post, but you summarized how I felt about the second story. When Masaki could finally say Otohiko is his, it was when Otohiko has already passed away. And even though Otohiko and Daigo are brothers-in-law, I think Daigo felt that he didn't really have the right to decide where Otohiko should rest. It was just sad that on the day Katsuko and Daigo were getting married, Otohiko came home so sad and Masaki comforted our poor soul ;-------; It must suck when the love of your life becomes your family, so you can never tell them how you feel... Poor Masaki too because he didn't know what to do about his feelings for Otohiko :((