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I hate the new deaf guy ( dont remember his name) his just should stop interrupting their...

OtakuNeko September 16, 2017 2:34 pm

I hate the new deaf guy ( dont remember his name) his just should stop interrupting their relationship they so precious

    Susan_Vm_ September 16, 2017 2:37 pm


    Lov_lymj September 16, 2017 2:40 pm

    I find him quite manipulative and pushy tbvh, like he wants Kouhei to live by his ideal and see the world how he sees. He even ripped the flyer last time.

    Okarisu September 16, 2017 3:06 pm

    Are you kidding? Kohei shouldn't have been a jerk to him. He insulted the poor guy. If someone said that to me, I'd probably have the same reaction.

    meg September 16, 2017 3:33 pm

    i don't think that he intend to interrupt in a bad way. he see how my son, kouhei, have negative thought about what if "his ability to hear falls any further", so he made that loud noise to give kouhei the experience of it. he's pissed about deaf = useless, "i'm deaf but not useless". those dark bubble about breaking up, i see it more as kouhei's inner thought that voiced out by him.
    "don't force your self to be normal (hear normaly, i mean), or are you just unable to accept your condition and think that the deaf aren't equal to those who can hear? do you think when you live like person who can hear will make you not deaf anymore?"

    That's how i interpret it

    Pacgirl September 16, 2017 3:38 pm
    Are you kidding? Kohei shouldn't have been a jerk to him. He insulted the poor guy. If someone said that to me, I'd probably have the same reaction. Okarisu

    If someones said what Kohei said I would see it as him talking about his own problems, and not mine or anyone else.
    In my eyes when someone says that, they're talking about there own personal ability to adjust and find others ways. It all depends on the type of person you are.

    Okarisu September 16, 2017 3:40 pm
    i don't think that he intend to interrupt in a bad way. he see how my son, kouhei, have negative thought about what if "his ability to hear falls any further", so he made that loud noise to give kouhei the expe... meg

    I believe that you are 100% correct. Despite the fact that technology has advanced to the point that we can give the deaf the ability to hear, a lot of deaf people don't want that because they believe there's nothing wrong with them the way they are. They don't like the idea that they need to be "fixed". I think for this reason, it also pissed the guy off because what Kohei said DID, in fact, imply that being deaf makes you incompetent.

    ❁❁❁ Kristi ❁❁❁ September 16, 2017 3:57 pm

    When you say to a deaf guy that you don't want to lose your hearing you're being insensitive.Kouhei clearly didn't think about the other guy's feelings.The deaf guy should've understood that Kouhei was just being insecure,but I don't blame him (although,the last page was really unnecessary)

    meg September 16, 2017 4:00 pm
    I believe that you are 100% correct. Despite the fact that technology has advanced to the point that we can give the deaf the ability to hear, a lot of deaf people don't want that because they believe there's n... Okarisu

    Yeah, at ch 16 when he said "you don't need to hear, do you?" was like his way of saying "what's wrong with being deaf? You still able to do lot of things. Really, just accept it! You don't really need to hear."
    Actually i didn't like this kid before, but i kinda understand him now. He's a good kid that surrounded by good people like that Take guy. He just need to learn how to 'phrase his words'/expres his thought in a way to not make other ppl hurt/misunderstand

    Okarisu September 16, 2017 4:23 pm
    Yeah, at ch 16 when he said "you don't need to hear, do you?" was like his way of saying "what's wrong with being deaf? You still able to do lot of things. Really, just accept it! You don't really need to hear.... meg

    Yeah, he's one of those characters where you have to look at things from their angle to really understand them.