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fucking heck this was amazing

BloodLust (BL) September 19, 2017 3:26 am

Okay, so when I first started reading this I wasn't a big fan of the drug use and sex and depression and such. It just wasn't my thing and it wasn't an environment that I understood well. But for anyone who only made it to the first few chapters, please, please, continue reading. Whether it's fluff you're looking for, or smut, or angst, or just a good plot, this webtoon has it all. Literally I've spent the last three or four hours with my eyes glued to the screen because it was just so gOOD and AAAAAA *squeals* I love the characters and the plot. Not to mention, aside from just being a "good webtoon," it also addresses many serious real-world issues such as racism and homophobia.

I must include a warning though: it does include disturbing scenes depicting nonconsensual sex and mild gore, as well as mentions drug use.
