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I am about to become really unpopular

Butterfly_qvrs September 19, 2017 2:35 pm

There is a whole lotta griping about sensei and a whole lotta sensei why can't you just treasure and cuddle dear sweet Midori. That is not who sensei is. If he became sugar sweet Midori would wonder if it was an alien that looked like sensei.
Did he go over the top in this chapter, yes. He is going to need to find a way to repair his relationship with Midori, yes. Did Midori do something wrong, yes. At least from sensei's point of view. Sensei has made it clear from the beginning that he wanted Midori's Everything. Then Midori brings another man over during the little bit of time the could be together. Someone sensei has already wondered about their relationship. I can totally see where sensei is coming from.
Sensei wants to own and dominate everything about his lover. Midori needs to decide if that is what he wants for himself. If he doesn't he needs to cut it off completely.

    LoveBunny September 20, 2017 3:12 am

    Totally agree and sensei being a sex story author it mustve warped his thinking cause he went a bit to far in this lastest chapter.. Both are totally lacking in communication..