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What this manga teaches me....

DaydzNayd24 September 24, 2017 2:18 am

It is nice of Shuuna to recommend of Hayashida-san and Yuki-san to talk... and for Hayashida to respect his request but I think this manga teaches us (indirectly) that there are things that are hard to push even it is for the better good....

Like it is better for them to face the present and leave the past behind... it is easy to say that "they need to talk, have a real conversation" but putting yourself in their shoes.... That is awkward and just hard to do.... and it is more awkward of Shuuna to definitely push to envolope.... cause even he is the boyfriend, there are things you should not cross with

    nickanon September 24, 2017 8:57 am

    Yeah, I question the logic behind 'I think this stranger should meet up with his abusive ex because I'm currently dating him' (the mangaka has done a great job to make Kan likeable but he's still an abusive ex). Plus, sometimes, you've got to accept that relationships are damaged for a reason and involving yourself is disrespecting a boundary and thinking you know better than those involved.

    DaydzNayd24 September 24, 2017 9:03 am
    Yeah, I question the logic behind 'I think this stranger should meet up with his abusive ex because I'm currently dating him' (the mangaka has done a great job to make Kan likeable but he's still an abusive ex)... nickanon

    Yes, I agree... Sometimes people's thoguhts are scary and out of the box already....