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ari September 26, 2017 2:17 am

I'll admit the seme is a bit annoying lol but I don't hate him lol. I don't think he did anything w that girl besides that kiss she gave him but still you shouldn't be escorting the girl who confessed to you home 5 days straight when ya gotta bf ???

ALSO LMAO, I hate that those girls said she was in love w the seme when it was obviously just a crush lol. You can't love someone you don't know, like they weren't friends lol, the girl watched him from afar.

And why tf this other girl telling the crazy girl what she did was admirable?? Like kissing someone else's boyfriend is NOT admirable, it's horrible.

other than the last chapter, even w the last chapter lol, I still really like the story and can't wait for more

    Kisaki November 9, 2017 11:45 pm

    I agree with everything you said. I don't hate the seme. I don't even think what he did is considered cheating. He was just trying to solve the problem with that girl in his own way, except he should've talked to his bf about it and make things clear instead of doing it without telling him anything. And yeah I was like wtf, getting obsessed and kissing somebody else's boyfriend in order to steal him away is not admirable. It's despicable. Like yeah, not giving up easily and trying your best is a good thing, but not to that point