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Okay... The uke has some issues. Our main is a delivery man so yeah he would go to people'...

HoshiSecret September 29, 2017 7:43 pm

Okay... The uke has some issues. Our main is a delivery man so yeah he would go to people's work to deliver packages. it is not like he was going there for the hell of it. Sure he saw someone he liked which turned out to be the uke, but he didn't connect the two since the styles were so different. People can be fooled that easily. And didn't it take a lot of work to make sure the main would not just drink and walk. The uke had to convince him he was a good guy and in love with him to get our main to go with him. And this might be a bit weird, but who decides to make a big reveal, get mad, and call someone a stalker while a dick is in their ass? Talk about awkward. Also curious what the photos are for.
If they have sex while arguing that will be first never seen by me before, and second funny in a weird way, and third weird.

    Anonymous September 29, 2017 7:54 pm

    Me bet is the photos are blackmail material to get the dark-haired dude to stop "following him" to work:
    Uke: "Stop bothering me at my work or I'll send these photos to your boss at the delivery service!"

    Anonymous September 29, 2017 7:59 pm

    *My bet.
    I also think the guy is extremely paranoid because he's trying to defend the "secret" of "double-life" lifestyle. I mean, in a way he leads more of a double life than other gay men: he acts super duper serious at work yet super duper flashy and naughty at night...

    Lady Earthly September 29, 2017 10:36 pm
    Me bet is the photos are blackmail material to get the dark-haired dude to stop "following him" to work:Uke: "Stop bothering me at my work or I'll send these photos to your boss at the delivery service!" @Anonymous

    And the seme should be like so, all my work mates know I'm gay. I can't wait for the next chapter.