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evading bastard, fucking mouse

neko October 1, 2017 2:37 am

After watching the anime that will probably never get a season 2 I decided after a long time to come back to this.I'm so glad I was able to progress through the series with all it's ups and downs and though the ending never settled anything.I was really looking forward to answers, why did she push him off and try to save his life, did she decide it was allright to be ordinary and become overcome with guilt, what happened in all that time we did not get to see.Finally is she happy with the way things turned out.Normally I'd be allright with a "and life just goes on" type of story but this one was different from the start and I expected more.Maybe we're supposed to loose hope in the end and accept the meaningless life we've made for ourselves.And yes I started to like nakamura more and more as I read so I'm speaking from the point of view of someone who sees her as the protagonist.

    Anonymous January 1, 2019 11:59 pm

    Thats what it is, she saw life in messed up view when you see some chapters through her eyes, she was mentally in trouble. Have him to use that screws the good A student expected to live out the failures, being an adult ended with a harsh life, after she realised after some huge tweak. It felt more like rich poor or middle, have the power to see the eye and forget their form. Japan are group conformist. Dye your hair normally against most outer. That end part hit me as i was thinking is that past present or his future fate. But that talk to the A student at the coffee shop idk if she ment pushed him off because she cared or because it wasnt his place to be. But the dream Felt like no matter what you do you repeat something done billions of times. But yeah small towns everyone ones every to act as a whole. This whole Feeling feels like the feeling of being awoken from a dream in a dream