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I am waiting for more!

kavec October 4, 2017 10:14 pm

I think, the characters personalities are very ellaborated.
There's a clueless (not useless) young teacher, who is very ordinary and actually knows nothing about the real world or people. But has pure heart and wants to be useful. And because of his appearance and slow thinking, nobody takes him seriously.

There's the genius student, who is the exact opposite of the teacher and he knows it. He himself doesn't understand why does he want the young teacher so much. And because there isn't any problem which he can't solve, he wants to understand his own feelings. Because of this, his movements and thoughts are unpredictable! Nobody can understand a genius!

And there is the third wheel, the bad person, the handsome teacher. He always got what he wants in his life, so he thinks he can do anything and that thought made him to be a sadist. Of course he is the necessary person in the manga, who makes the drama for the readers. For punishment, jail would be heaven for his kind! I think a public humiliation would be better, and this is why the genius is needed!

So I am waiting for more, because this manga is actually very interesting in my opinion, and the exceptionally good artwork makes it hot and a bit realistic!
(English is not my native language.)
