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Not worth the time

Giakou October 5, 2017 6:47 am

Sorry but I didn't like this manga at all. It's the first time ever I want the bad guy to win, because I think that his way of thinking was correct, and he wanted to give humans back their free will.
And I really really hated the mc from the beginning til the end. She knew what the system was but didn't even try to do anything against it, to stop it, she just continued to "play in the system's playground".
And there has to be something wrong in her head. When her close friend was killed right in front of her, she stopped crying in less than a day, that's not normal.
I really hated her. So sad that Makishima got killed before he could complete his plans.. =(

    drmrr August 2, 2018 11:24 pm

    I really agree with you. I did like this but I was definetly sided with Makishima and I didn't like Akane at all, especially near the because of her decision. I just can't respect that opinion which is the reason why I didn't watch the movie and season 2. The reason why I like this is probably because of Makishima, other than him there was only Kagari and Masaoka that I liked and those things happened..