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Cant say I like this. Spoliers: The uke says big words but the only thing he actually did ...

yaoi lover May 15, 2013 7:55 am

Cant say I like this. Spoliers: The uke says big words but the only thing he actually did was selling himself for years without a thought of revenge. Then I got rape/attempted raped so many times that I lost count.
The uncle was raping him then in one sentence, he walked away like he never had a boner to begin with. Then all his men magically disappear leaving himself alone to get stabbed (I seriously dont get why that guy carried a knife around).
And many things that didnt make sense but Im too lazy to point out.
I guess u can read it if ur into non-con sex.

    yaoi lover May 15, 2013 7:56 am

    *he got raped

    LOL May 15, 2013 9:48 pm

    Ur post got me interested in the story and ur so right.
    Not only he left, he didnt leave a single guard. The seme bang to the house (supposed to be full of guards) without a single weapon, when he got captured, I was like DUH? Everyone has a gun. The story is so dumb.

    keko August 28, 2013 12:45 am

    I totally agree with u

    . December 1, 2013 12:42 am

    yup~and too much rape with pleasure(it doesnt seem he hate it). he already become woman(and born to be whore) to me~ and why the seme always too late to help~the seme always come when he already be rape(with pleasure) by those people~

    but this manga isn't that bad~