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I have a feeling that the story about yuu and the eldest brother is coming close, cos yuu ...

Jol May 25, 2013 3:42 pm

I have a feeling that the story about yuu and the eldest brother is coming close, cos yuu is already getting taller:

    Muchii May 25, 2013 4:39 pm

    Yuu is hitting the puberty. LOL now i just realize it

    balu May 25, 2013 4:55 pm

    I would love to see that!

    asdf May 25, 2013 5:19 pm

    yeah, but I think that will be a while. I feel the next story might be with the ex-president who likes towa and the guy from the disciplinary committee the one that likes Shinonome

    Nanou May 25, 2013 9:11 pm

    @asdf I thought the same the moment I saw Kousaka appear, even if for a second I thought he was gonna ask Shinonome about it.

    I thought he was gonna end up with Yuki's big bro (pffft Yuki would have probably died from an heartattack).

    But finally it seems like the rivals/3rd wheels will comfort eachother (but I'm afraid for Kousaka since he's so cute & it seems like the sempai who's after Towa is a sadist fufu)

    paula May 25, 2013 10:39 pm

    ahahaha wow, i never noticed the difference until you pointed it out xD also i agree. You can definitely feel something between the two.

    Oh ya May 25, 2013 10:43 pm

    I cant wait

    Charlotte May 26, 2013 5:41 am

    Oh i the only one who thinks they don't suit each other? I prefer the Shirahane eldest sister to end up with the oldest brother...
    @asdf: yea i thought the same thing about the guy from discipline committee and the ex-president. Hope it happens soon XD

    Nanou May 26, 2013 12:31 pm

    @Charlotte It seems like she'll also be a part of their story since Sakuraga-sensei described Yuu and Kimiko as the 2semes and Hisa-nii as the uke haha

    Jol May 28, 2013 6:09 pm

    @Charlotte Well, a part of me actually wants to see kimiko and hisa-nii together cos I'd like to see a shirahane-aikawa's baby (so cute!).. But i don't think it'll happen cos sensei is a yaoi mangaka after all.

    Charlotte June 15, 2013 10:55 pm

    @Jol: I get that sensei is a yaoi mangaka. However; it doesn't have to be another yaoi manga. She/he could have it as a sidestory...(sometimes other yaoi mangakas do that)...And yes, i do want to see a shirahane-aikawa's baby (you put that thought into my head lol) It'd be interesting to see if it were to happen...

    @Nanou: lol i thought so too when i saw the picture. Hopefully Kimiko will end up with Hisa-nii...unfortunately though like Jol said sensei is a yaoi mangaka so i have a 75% doubt that it will happen...

    vert-coquin June 15, 2013 10:57 pm

    Am I the only one who would love to see the older sister and Yuu torturing the older brother...
    Since i saw her, i though that they both, her and Yuu, have twisted personality perfect for tormenting the innocent older brother.
    And a love triangle with a girl would be really refreshing, à mon humble avis.

    Charlotte June 16, 2013 12:43 am

    @vert-coquin: haha you have a little bit of sadism in you. But im pretty sure that would happen because the older brother is extremely naive and will mostly be eaten by the two "seme" personalities. Although Kimiko is a girl...oh well they could always have it three way..

    LOL i can't believe i just thought of that...