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this manga is... GOOD!! I wanna know what happens next!! Sadly the manga is after Vol.2 on...

Artemis. May 28, 2013 1:40 pm

this manga is... GOOD!! I wanna know what happens next!! Sadly the manga is after Vol.2 on hiatus. Hope Kusunoki Rinka will continue drawing & writing this manga.
Again I'm shipping many of the guys here ^_^ Kagenui (who looks a bit like Gauche -Tegami Bachi (i love gauche *x*)) and Otori fit together very good hehe Aidou and Hisumi (I dunno but see him as Matts and Mellos love child) would be cute together too... Momo-oka and Magakumo would be cool together too but maybe Momo-oka and Hisuma fit together better and Magakumo and Aidou... ahh i can't decide!!

    Artemis. May 28, 2013 1:43 pm

    ahh i forgot to mention: I really like the art! The fashionsytle is so cool (all the piercings *q*)