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haruka is sooooooo weak she never say what she wants to say i hate how she know her bestfr...

mimi May 31, 2013 9:31 pm

haruka is sooooooo weak she never say what she wants to say i hate how she know her bestfriend like that guy and she wants to help her friend but she is still leaning on him like its ok to do and tsukasa he plays way to much he makes it seem like everything he does was because of haruka he's always trying to test out her feelings and such a playboy there should be a limit to how much you can hurt a girl.

    Bibi June 5, 2013 8:29 pm

    Haruka seems most of the time like a simpleton ... but not cute, just annoying. I like Tsukasa and I think he treats Haruka like that because she lets him treat her like that... It's her own fault so I can't even feel sorry for her. Stupid girl!!

    from one Review November 28, 2013 9:46 am

    to bibi, yeas this girl is stupid, and week and doesn't try to stop him ever!! i agree with the... BUT...
    that does not make his actions justified !! he is no less guilty then this girl!.