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..uhm..actually,i really don't get it,can someone please explain to me what happened?

yuki February 8, 2012 2:13 pm

..uhm..actually,i really don't get it,can someone please explain to me what happened?

    cherrymouth December 14, 2013 12:21 am

    after the 4h time reading I think I got it:

    the first words are saying ,eight years to love two year to graduate we live in the world of adult`or sth like that... I think it´s about the school time were you grow into an adult an experience love generally for a partner and life... there is a woman with a boyfriend a graduate who is searching for a job
    The girl got a promotion to be transferred but doesn´t tell the boy about it. He´s depressed about staying unemployed. Then there is a man who commits suicide ... the girl is also tired but still encourages her boyfriend---
    I would interpret it like a cry for help or the slice of life everyone new... everybody is feeling a whole in their heart, sth is missing --- it´s the love you loose after graduating in the worl of adults ( where you do jobs you don´t like grew apart in your relationships and get tired of the problems in life) ... it´s kinda true and a quite good picture of the whole world of adults