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For me it feels like the story feels incomplete even tough it is already finished. The aut...

Gaby_mak October 6, 2017 11:00 pm

For me it feels like the story feels incomplete even tough it is already finished. The author never explained important events like how did Shiina got sudden deafness or how did they meet each other or even if they were going to play again. She only showed the flashback of how they met and it was great but, I am sorry for saying this, but I wouldn't have mind changing some of the sex scenes for chapters that cleared the situation in their universe as a hole. I just fell like the author tried to in the begging then got lost in the flashback, saw That there where already 6 episodes and called it a day. I never thought I would find a manga thT I would say it has escesive sex on it but here it is. And I repeat is not like they are doing it at every minute that makes the story feel incomplete, is the feeling of they not moving anywhere even though it has such interesting storyline.And that comes from someone that reads ecchi from time to time. Other than that I really liked the couple and the sex scenes.

    SammieJ October 7, 2017 9:23 am

    In the author's little afterword letter, she said there's a second volume so maybe it just hasn't been translated?