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G U Y S. I dunno if this happens to anyone else but for the past 7 days, I've been waking ...

HappyVirus707 October 7, 2017 4:57 am

G U Y S. I dunno if this happens to anyone else but for the past 7 days, I've been waking up at exactly 5:22 AM(but I'm supposed to wake up at 7:00 AM for classes). Like, EXACTLY AT THAT TIME. I'm so confused. No one wakes me up, I my eyes and look at the time and BOOOOOM IT'S 5:22.

Also, today...I woke up at 5:22 because of a dream. I had a dream I crushed a spider with really long legs. In ELA class, I saw the exact same spider and watched it get hit by an orange eraser.

After I tried going back to sleep after dreaming and waking up because of the spider, I had another dream. It was one where I was hanging in my room with my a dog I did not know.

The dog suddenly turned into a handsome anime dude with white hair((๑•ㅂ•)و✧ SCORE!). He told me he loved me. I screamed and he ran away. Afterwards, years past and I was an adult and a teacher(poor me), and then I was walking in the neighbor hood when I saw a few family members surround a hole in their wall and was yelling profoundly. I looked to see what they were yelling at and I saw the dog that transformed into a human!!!!

But he was still a dog. There were cats there, too. I asked the family why they were abusing the animals and they replied with, "THEY'RE DEMONS! THEY CAN TRANSFORM INTO ONE OF US!" So I quickly grabbed all the animals and ran. Afterwards, they lived in my house as humans and the handsome human who could also be a dog was now my boyfriend.

One day, I dropped something on the ground and asked him to get it for me. He bent down to pick it up and then screamed. Suddenly one of my classmates stand up from under the bed!

She said that she was Lizzie but her real name was Daisy irl(there are millions of Daisy's in the world, I'm not exposing her) and she said that she was stalking me under my bed for years.

I was so scared so I woke up and then went to school. Now I feel like since the spider thing happened, what if there really is a stalker under my bed? I never check and now I'm too afraid to. If you read till the end, kudos to you.

    Ice October 7, 2017 5:04 am

    Lol I wake up at 3:15. Approximately. It's my usual wake up time in order to have personal time due to me not having any the day before because of homework, or to finish my homework, or to go to sleep again.

    Ice October 7, 2017 5:07 am

    Also that is the best dream I have ever heard about. I had the exact same dream my friend was having once. I blew up the world and transferred everyone into a different planet due to climate change. It was fun. I don't know how I did all of it but I liked it. Anyways I LOVE YOUR DREAM

    Anon October 7, 2017 5:10 am

    You might be waking up at that time because your biological clock has been set to that specific time and sometimes stuff happens coincidentally and well the rest of the story (your dream) looks like a plot for some d graded anime ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ but anyway it seemed interesting.

    Anonymous October 7, 2017 7:02 am

    Not to be that one weird kid lol... but your seeing 5:22 everyday could be a higher power trying to give you a sign. Like I see 11 minutes after the hour like 4:11, 9:11 ect. on the clock everyday, like I don't even try to, I'll just randomly look at the clock or something with the number 11 on it lol. Anywho, I did some reasearch on that shit, and it was pretty intresting, you should try it to, just look up "why do I keep seeing 22 after the hour?" or 5:22 or whatever. :)