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If Ishida's main pourpose is to have us gone crazy, i think he is having success in it, at...

Shopie♧ October 7, 2017 6:58 pm

If Ishida's main pourpose is to have us gone crazy, i think he is having success in it, at least from my side is like that hahaha...
Well i wasn't expecting Kaneki to get out of this this time, but i am glad that he still have the strength to keep living and fight for what he wants, we all support you King, KEEP LIVING!!!!

    Carmelazation October 8, 2017 11:34 am

    There's a very fine line between making your character appear insane and completely confusing the shit out of your audience.

    Shopie♧ October 8, 2017 4:29 pm
    There's a very fine line between making your character appear insane and completely confusing the shit out of your audience. Carmelazation

    Right!! I think that Ishida crossed that line a long time ago, or worst, he never thought that that line exist at all hahaha

    Carmelazation October 8, 2017 9:01 pm
    Right!! I think that Ishida crossed that line a long time ago, or worst, he never thought that that line exist at all hahaha Shopie♧

    Hence why I think nothing makes sense anymore. I don't feel like I need to put in effort to understand the plot... TG:re makes me do otherwise.