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There is something I have been wondering about, with these travel-to-other-world stories. ...

Anonymous October 9, 2017 1:54 am

There is something I have been wondering about, with these travel-to-other-world stories. What happens to the people left behind? Their son, daughter ore person they know and love just disappeared. Do they forget that person existed? Ore are they just left to worry about where that person is and what happened to them? They where supposed to come right home from school ore work, but they never did, and now they have been gone for days ore months.

    Shiva October 25, 2017 10:01 am

    A few series touch up on/upon that. In the Moon-led Journey, the SS or IM side stories tells the story of the people he left behind. In another story, since they went into a game, its assumed that their bodies might be in a coma. In one of the story I read, the Goddess who repatriates the hero used Time/Space magic to return him, so even though he lived for 6+ years in another world, he finds that he hasnt even being absent for a few hours in his home world.

    Anonymous November 1, 2018 11:36 am

    why do you write "or" this way? i thought it's "ore" which means "me" and is used only by males in japanese

    Shiva November 4, 2018 12:16 am
    why do you write "or" this way? i thought it's "ore" which means "me" and is used only by males in japanese @Anonymous

    In case that was addressed to me? Or means or. Either/or. SS or IM / Side Stories or Intermissions.