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Lily AR October 10, 2017 2:15 pm

I've really wanted to reread this manga in a long time. So the uke is a nerd and not beautiful. The seme is shorter than the uke and is really cute and popular. In the later chapters, the seme grows throughout school break and becomes really handsome and is taller than the uke.

The same is also very possessive. I remember that the seme threatened a guy, who touched the uke, with a pencil to his eye. Also the first time the uke and seme met, the uke was forced to have s*x with the seme.

    ebjean October 10, 2017 2:29 pm
    That would be this. However, the nerdy uke is actually quite pretty, as they state in the very beginning, just overshadowed by the seme.

    takame October 10, 2017 8:57 pm

    yeah, it's in the akuma series. i do remember a scene where some fanboy (or is it the host?) tried to bully uke and seme nonchalantly threatened the guy the pencil lol. not sure but i think it happened when they got to college so it could be on the second book IDK. best to read the whole series.

    takame October 10, 2017 9:00 pm

    and also, i want to defend the uke LOL. not ugly. he is pretty, just that he likes to hide behind his glasses plus the fact that fuu-chan and his entire clan is like some kind of incubus that blasts out charm so people sleeps on his (ule's) looks

    Lily AR October 14, 2017 12:14 pm
    and also, i want to defend the uke LOL. not ugly. he is pretty, just that he likes to hide behind his glasses plus the fact that fuu-chan and his entire clan is like some kind of incubus that blasts out charm s... takame

    The uke is not actually ugly, but he's not as beautiful as the seme. So yeah.

    Lily AR October 14, 2017 12:14 pm
    The uke is not actually ugly, but he's not as beautiful as the seme. So yeah. Lily AR

    Also thank you so much.