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Nightcore_Sim October 11, 2017 10:02 pm

Okay so it was a fairly short yaoi a couple of chapters to make 1 volume. The first chapter was a kind of prologue where the seme and uke were in high school and were inseparable but the uke started getting jealous, can't remember why, the other friends convince him to recognise his feelings and seme feels the same way but there isn't actually a confession and I don't think they actually start dating. Until the next chapter that is where it flashes forward to them living together in an apartment during university, i think they're not working yet. Now the seme is really touchy feely in kinship but not in a pervy way and I can't remember what happens but they end up dating. Then they start getting towards going all the way in the bedroom but the uke though not completely reluctant doesn't want to but they don't have chance to talk about it as the semes pregnant sister is annoyed with her husband and comes to visit, i.e. lives there for a bit. Various things happen and she then goes into labour uke panics but seme is calm and they go to the hospital with her. It is then that the uke admits why he was reluctant, something along the lines of him being scared of seems family reaction i think or the possibility he'll leave him one day. Things are settled however and they finally go all the way. Extra details: uke has short black hair and seme has longish blonde hair, i think but its not coloured, and its overall really fluffy. Please help its one of my favs but for the life of me I can't remember the name! :(
