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Inner turmoil.

Kuinshi October 12, 2017 1:46 am

You know the raw has been out for more than a week... But still no English update.
Bad: What is taking those scanalator fairies so long!?
Good: Don't say that. They are just working on this as a side project while they are living OWN LIVES.
Bad: Don't they get paid though?
Good: Not very much.
Bad: . . . I still want my update though!! I can't read fluent Japanese!!
Good: Well whose fault is that?
Bad: *sulk*

    rachu October 12, 2017 5:58 am

    this entire post is a trainwreck hahaha

    Casper October 12, 2017 6:14 am
    this entire post is a trainwreck hahaha rachu

    Legit XD This is just terrible~.
    So. The way Kunishi wrote things may have rubbed someone the wrong way along with the anon, because it is the internet it's hard to figure out what people mean & their tone~.

    Kunishi, we do not get paid to do what we do, it's purely volunteer work. Even though we don't get paid, it's very enjoyable & pays for itself through the joy it brings to other fans. I don't speak for every scan group, but it can be difficult to balance everything & put out updates consistently especially if the group has just started. My group has apologized at least 3 times already for the update inconsistency.

    Anon, She didn't know that we don't get paid for this. Maybe if you had worded things better or restructured your sentence, things might have went a different way.

    I am not saying either of you are wrong or anything but it was just a big misunderstanding~. So how about we all just sit down & drink some tea~.