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Never has an ending made me so satisfied. The chubby slut got butchered by chicken boy's o...

Sharky October 13, 2017 8:48 am

Never has an ending made me so satisfied. The chubby slut got butchered by chicken boy's own hands. Crazy yandere won and we've got a badass assassin couple. I couldn't have thought of a better ending myself.

*Ding Dong the bitch is dead*

    Anonymous October 13, 2017 7:28 pm

    The ending was trash, not saying i liked the wife but he should of just killed himself. He looks dead being next to the crazy yandere she even said so herself that she never thought of his feelings smh.

    Pug life October 13, 2017 8:50 pm

    u know what wouldve been a cool ending? if the hoe wife became a murderer too and killed the chicken boy. the yandere assassin escaped (for next season she is the enemy) and since the hoe wife and ha jin are killers, they understand each other more and have a better bond than before. it would be cool. I HAVE SHIT TONS OF BETTER IDEAS THAN THIS WTF ENDING xD

    Sharky October 14, 2017 3:02 am
    The ending was trash, not saying i liked the wife but he should of just killed himself. He looks dead being next to the crazy yandere she even said so herself that she never thought of his feelings smh. @Anonymous

    Who cares if he looks dead, as long as he's actually not dead cause I wanted him to survive. I'm glad that he decided to live on because Hari told him she loved him, even though she doesn't expect her feelings to be returned, I'm happy that she made him chose to live instead and they both survived this whole crazy thing together. Gotta love me some crazy yandere love over slutty pig love any day. Still not Shakespeare, but meh, I'll take it.

    Sharky October 14, 2017 3:05 am
    u know what wouldve been a cool ending? if the hoe wife became a murderer too and killed the chicken boy. the yandere assassin escaped (for next season she is the enemy) and since the hoe wife and ha jin are ki... Pug life

    I wanted the hoe wife to die. So that's why when she actually died it was unexpected and truly made me happy. Plus it was chicken boy himself who did it, bonus points. Like I said, I can't think of a better ending myself.

    Yaoilover February 3, 2021 8:50 pm
    u know what wouldve been a cool ending? if the hoe wife became a murderer too and killed the chicken boy. the yandere assassin escaped (for next season she is the enemy) and since the hoe wife and ha jin are ki... Pug life

    you should write a fanfiction, or a rewrite of the ending. You idea sounds interesting.